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Ashford Wind Farm

Site Name

Ashford Wind Farm


13.8 MW

Comissioning Date

Q4 2019

Located in Co. Limerick, Ashford Wind Farm is being constructed within the townlands of Glenduff, Darrery and Coolnanoglah. The site is proximate to the village of Ashford which lies northwest of the site and is located on an area of pasture on a ridge separating Glenduff from the northern lowland plain of Limerick. The land is mostly improved grassland with some scrub on the very steep northern side. At its high point, to the west, it is close to 350 metres in elevation.Planning permission for this site was granted by An Bord Pleanala in 2013 and includes for 25 No. Conditions. The development consists of 6 number wind turbine generators and crane hardstandings for each turbine, the construction of a meteorological mast, electrical substation, underground electrical cabling, access tracks, borrow pit, temporary construction compound and ancillary services.This wind farm is being developed by Highfield Energy as part of our broader commitment to a sustainable future.

Site Overview


tons CO2 emission saved per annum


homes powered per annum

13.8 MW

installed capacity
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