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Ardagh South Energy Storage Facility

Site Name

Ardagh South Energy Storage Facility

Maximum Export Capacity

33 MW

Comissioning Date

Q2 2020

Located in Co. Meath, Ardagh South Energy Storage Facility is located within the townland of Meath Hill. The site is approximately 4.5km from Kingscourt which lies west northwest of the site. The site itself is of moderate grade agricultural value, consisting grassland used for the grazing of livestock.The facility will be situated on shallow sloping agricultural land at an approximate elevation of 113-118m AOD.

Planning permission for this site was granted by Meath County Council in 2018 and includes for 18 No. Conditions. The development includes for one single storey electrical substation building and electrical compound, electrical transformer/inverter station modules, containerised battery storage modules on concrete support structures, access tracks, associated electrical ducting, cable racking and cabling, security fencing and CCTV security monitoring system, lightning protection poles, communications equipment and ancillary infrastructure.

The site is immediately adjacent to existing electrical infrastructure at the Meath Hill 110kV substation.

This energy storage facility has been co-developed by Highfield Energy as part of our broader commitment to a sustainable future.

Site Overview

33 MW

maximum export capacity

48 MWh

approximate capacity

Our Partners

Our Irish Energy Storage development company, Highfield Storage Ltd, is a joint venture between Highfield Energy Ltd and Aura Power Ltd. 

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