Garballagh Lower Solar Farm
Site Name
Garballagh Lower Solar Farm
95 MW
Comissioning Date
Q2 2021
Site Overview
Located in Co. Meath, Garballagh Lower Solar Farm is being developed within the townlands of Garballagh, Gillinstown and Thomastown. The site is located west of the village of Duleek, approximately 8km south west of Drogheda, 13.5km east of Navan and 15km north of Balbriggan in North County Dublin. The site itself is of moderate grade agricultural value, consisting primarily of tilled land with shallow slopes.
At the time of its submission, this development was the largest planning application for ground mounted solar PV nationwide. It subsequently became the largest consented development when planning permission was granted by An Bord Pleanala in 2019. The grant includes for 14 No. Conditions. The development includes include one single storey electrical substation building and associated compound, electrical transformer and inverter station modules, storage modules Solar PV panels ground mounted on support structures, access roads and internal access tracks, spare parts storage container, fencing, electrical cabling and ducting including undergrounding of existing electrical cabling, CCTV and other ancillary infrastructure, additional landscaping and habitat enhancement as required and associated site development works.
The site is proximate to existing electrical infrastructure and the current grid connection point is projected as the the existing Platin - Gorman 110kV line running through the site.
The connection infrastructure has been deemed a Strategic Infrastructure Development by An Bord Pleanala. Further details are available at
This solar farm is being developed by Highfield Energy as part of our broader commitment to a sustainable future.